Monday, December 7, 2009

Conference of Youth 5 (COY5) – creating a movement is not an easy job...

So, how did we end up there and what happened?

After 35 hours of travelling Milosz (our friend from SCI Poland) piked us up from Kobenhavn train station and took us to the University in the centre of Copenhagen where COY took place. Once we came there, it was more than obvious that there are already more than 500 youth!!! More than 10 workshops had been taking place at that moment and Seb (brain of the SCI delegation) was leading the UNFCCC crashcourse for about 50 youth (and 2 more courses on Sunday). It was really cool to meet old and new „climate friends“ from Germany, Sri Lanka, Lithuania, Kenya, UK... from Young Friends of the Earth (, European Youth Forum, Young Greens... So, we took a cup of coffee along with the schedule and joined different workshops on different topics such as art and activism, media, carbon trading, forests, being a youth delegate at COP and climate justice.

Afternoon was a bit more flexible and a bit less organized  We, as SCI delegation, joined the first meeting of European Youth Climate Movement (EYCM) which is aiming on bringing additional value to the International YCM, in particular to bringing the issues of EU at negotiations. Very positive thing is that EYCM will not be focused only on EU, but will also support and include non-EU youth, their positions and ideas. Besides EYCM, action meetings and an introduction to YOUNGO's governance the end of the first day was marked with a speech by two young activists from Canada and India.

Amazing thing is that everything concerning COY and (almost) everything concerning COP has been organized by volunteers. Huge amount of energy, time, knowledge, stress, enthusiasm and criticizm has been invested in the idea which is growing and moving to a direction, which at the moment doesn`t have particularly clear strategy, but has a huge potential for making the real change on the long term paths.

The main goal of COY, as it's published on the web portal of International Youth Climate Movement (, was to build trust and solidarity among youth who will be attending COP15, and to share ideas, thoughts, success and skills with each other. To build a truly global movement to stop the climate crisis.

Picture of the COY plenary

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